Jerry Jones on Dez Bryant: “He’s worth it.”

Jerry Jones is supporting Dallas Cowboys WR Dez Bryant, he told the Dallas News, “What I see from Dez Bryant is an evolving [player].  And he is getting better.  He’s– better as a player.  He’s– has– certainly continues to make some mistakes, make some bad judgments out there, but he’s doing better.  He’s worth it.  He’s worth it.  Let me be real clear about that.”

We get it Jerry, you think Dez is worth it. Okay, hard to tell you, but Cowboy fans aren’t exactly feeling it right now.

This season alone, Bryant has been anything but consistent. He has fumbled punt returns, ran the wrong routes, and even missed a game altering catch in the game against the Baltimore Ravens. And, this is just some of the issues fans have had with Bryant this season.

Jones said that Bryant can help the Cowboys to win.  When Jerry, when? The Cowboys are 3-5 this season.

Apparently, Jones said he “had a few slips when I was that age myself.” Exactly what is Jones referring to as a few here?

The truth is, Jones is just defending Bryant to defend him, just like he has defended his right to be the GM of the Cowboys “forever.”

Jones said, “He’s doing the kinds of things that you’d expect somebody 24 to think about all the time.” Sure, its understandable that Bryant is only 24 years old – but he is also a starting WR for the Dallas Cowboys in the NFL making over 12 million dollars.

Cowboy fans don’t disagree that Bryant is talented, they are just frustrated with the ignorance… and the way the season is going… again.

There seems to be no “fixing the problem” – just a lot of excuses to something Jones isn’t seeing as broken to make the team look good, when obviously – something is very broken in the Cowboys organization.

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