Sarah Jones, former NFL Cheerleader, pleads guilty in sex crime

Former Cincinnati Bengals cheerleader Sarah Jones admitted to a sexual relationship with one of her high school students in a Kentucky courtroom on Monday. Jones will not have to sever jail time or register as a sex offender according to WCPO-TV.

Jones, 27, pleaded guilty to sexual abuse, a misdemeanor, after prosecutors dropped felony charge of first-degree sexual misconduct. The former English teacher at Dixie Heights High School in Covington, Ky, admitted to haveing a relationship with a 17-year-old student. The two had a  “sexual relationship and sexual intercourse,” WCPO reports.

A second felony charge of unlawful use of electronic means — texting — to induce a minor to engage in sexual or other prohibited activities, was dropped in favor of a misdemeanor charge of custodial interference.

The former Ben-gal will serve five years of probation. She could have faced a five-year prison term if found guilty on the original charges.

Her mother, Cheryl Jones, accepted a deal in which she pleaded guilty to tampering with physical evidence. Cheryl Jones had advised the teen victim to “get rid of the phone” on which incriminating texts had allegedly been sent.

Sarah Jones is still attempting to sue the website for comments and photos of her which show her drunk and partying with NFL players.

Update: Added a photo from her court appearance on Monday


John Bman
John Bman
Founder and Owner of Tireball Sports.

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