Exercises To Help Fallen Arches

According to the latest podiatry research around 8% of people in the United States have Flat Feet. The condition alters the gait of sufferers and results in weight-bearing joints in the body coming under increased pressure. The result is that the sufferer often suffers from back pain, as well as pain in the feet, ankles, knees, and hips. Without careful attention, Flat Feet can lead to permanent damage to these joints. 

All About Flat Feet 

Having Flat Feet means that the arch of the foot disappears when one stands – a sure sign that you may be suffering from Flat feet is when the entirety of your sole touches the ground when you walk, run, or even simply stand up.

Interestingly, everyone is born with Flat Feet, the arches in our feet only form when we are around six years old. Unfortunately, many people simply do not develop those arches, or they may suffer from ‘fallen arches’ as they age.

There are in fact many different types of flat feet, including:

Flexible Flat Feet – This is the most common form of Flat Feet and will first be noticed during childhood or adolescence. You will know that you have Flexible Flat Feet because when you stand the arch that was prominent while you were seated disappears. If left untreated this condition can eventually lead to ligament damage in the arch, including tearing and stretching, which is accompanied by significant pain.

Rigid Flat Feet – This is a condition that most often develops during adolescence. Those suffering from Rigid Flat Feet will have no visible arch when standing or sitting. The result is that the foot becomes extremely inflexible. 

Adult-acquired Flat Feet 

This condition is also known as having ‘fallen arches’. It is caused by the unexpected collapse of the arch of the foot, forcing it to turn outwards. It is essential to always wear supportive footwear to prevent further issues, visit www.orthoticshop.com

Fortunately, there are some exercises that are effective at moderating the effects of flat feet. At our practice, we specialize in the development of personalized treatment plans for those suffering from any type of Flat Feet. However, there are strengthening exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home to alleviate the effects of Flat Feet. Here are some of the most effective.

  1. Arch Lifts

This exercise is designed to strengthen the arches of the feet – and helps to maintain both structure and strength. In order to benefit from the exercise sit or stand with your feet flat on the floor, ensuring that both heel and toes stay in contact with the surface at all times. Then roll your foot from one side to the other while at the same time lifting the arch and holding.

  1. Heel Raises 

This is a simple exercise that you can perform anywhere. To get the benefits, stand with your feet planted firmly on the floor and slowly raise yourself up on your heels for at least 3 seconds. Then slowly relax, lowering your heel. If balance is a challenge then use a wall or chair to steady yourself.  

  1. The Towel Pickup

The deep muscles in your feet are essential to maintaining arch health. This exercise strengthens those muscles. First lay a towel down on the floor, then, while seated on a chair use your toes to pick up the towel – and then hold it above the floor for a few seconds. Then release. 

  1. Toe Lifts

This exercise bears more than a passing resemblance to heel raises. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and then slowly lift your big toe. Hold and then release. Repeat for all the other toes. 

  1. Calf Stretches

This is a great exercise to improve the strength and flexibility of the ankle. Stand with both feet together, then extend the left leg forward and position the right leg behind you. Next, press into your right heel while at the same time bending the left knee. Hold that position for 20 seconds. Then repeat. The key here is to ensure that your feet remain firmly on the floor at all times. 

Warming up is essential. Massage your feet before launching into your flat feet exercises. This warms the muscles and will prevent further damage to the ligament and tendons of the foot.


John Bman
John Bmanhttp://www.tireball.com
Founder and Owner of Tireball Sports.

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