Robinson Cano and Yankees roughly $80 million apart

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The New York Yankees and free agent Robinson Cano are roughly $80 million apart in negotiations.

While the Yankees want to re-sign the second baseman they are doing their best to try and lower their penalty for going over the luxury tax.

According to ESPN, Cano has asked for a nine-year deal at $28 million a year, with a vesting option for a 10th year at $29 million. The deal would be worth $252 million matching the amount Alex Rodriguez received from the Texas Rangers in 2010.

The Yankees have previously offered Cano a seven-year deal worth $160 million but have upped that number to $170 million this week.

Thus far the Yankees appear to be the only suitor for Cano.

John Bman
John Bman
Founder and Owner of Tireball Sports.

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