WWE SmackDown Results for Oct. 31, 2014

Welcome to Tireball Sports’ coverage of WWE SmackDown for Friday Oct. 31, 2014! This episode of SmackDown was aped in Houston, TX.

Big Show kicks off SmackDown and gets a “yes!” chant going for a video that they’re sending to Daniel Bryan in support of his comeback. Show informs everyone that Bryan needs another elbow surgery.

The Divas Halloween Costume Battle Royal is next. Brie Bella is not in the match and Nikki wins. Paige dressed as Summer Rae and after the match Nikki mocked AJ Lee who was on commentary.

Seth Rollins, Kane, Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble come out for a promo.

Kane defeated Dolph Ziggler in a non-title match. Rollins attacked Ziggler and beat him down after the match.

Rollins then has a quick match defeated Ziggler.

Ryback squashes Heath Slater, dressed as a Scarecrow.

Miz TV airs with guest Mark Henry. Henry rips Big Show who then comes out. They brawl.

Los Matadores defeated Stardust and Goldust in a non-title match. (yes, what a joke right?)

Rusev defeated The Great Khali. Rusev and Lana cut promos and say Rusev is coming for Sheamus’ United States Title.

Bray Wyatt cuts a promo.

Dean Ambrose defeated Cesaro in a Trick or Street Fight.

John Bman
John Bmanhttp://www.tireball.com
Founder and Owner of Tireball Sports.


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