WWE Main Event Results for Sept. 9, 2014


On Tuesday night WWE Main Event aired on the WWE Network. Below are the full results for the show.

Night of champions matches are announced. Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns and Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho are added

Seth Rollins vs. Jack Swagger

Swagger takes control early on and sends Rollins to the floor. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Swagger is in control on the outside. They come back in and Rollins turns it around. The end comes when Rollins nails the Curb Stomp for the win.

Winner: Seth Rollins

Cesaro defeated Zack Ryder

– Slater and Titus try to catch The Bunny backstage but trap Slater under the net instead.

Adam Rose defeated Titus O’Neil… the Bunny came out and distracted Titus and then hit an enziguri on Heath Slater.

The Ascension defeated Los Matadores

John Bman
John Bmanhttp://www.tireball.com
Founder and Owner of Tireball Sports.


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