TNA Impact Wrestling Results for September 3, 2014


Below are the results for the September 3 and September 10 episodes of TNA Impact Wrestling. With TNA’s decision to cut and paste shows no one is sure which matches will air on which show.

1. Taryn Terrell defeated Madison Rayne

2. Chris Melendez beat DJ Z. 

3. Sanada (w/James Storm) beat Austin Aries. James Storm introduced Sanada. A really good match. Sanada won via superkick to Aries’ head after Storm interfered and knocked Aries off the top rope. Sanada spat green mist into Aries’ face.

MVP, Bobby Lashley, and Kenny King were out next. MVP put down NYC and put over Lashley. Samoa Joe came out and a “Joe’s gonna get you” chant started. Joe said he’s the toughest man in the world and the ring. Joe hit Kenny and a brawl started. Security broke it up.

4. Homicide beat Super Crazy, DJ Z, Low Ki, Manik, and Tigre Uno to become No. 1 contender to the X Division Title. 

EC3 came out with Rockstar Spud. He was interrupted by Rhino, who cleared the ring. Rhino said he wanted a match with EC3, and EC3 said he’ll grant him a match…with Spud.

5. Bobby Roode defeated Eric Young to become No. 1 contender to the TNA Title. Young came out in New York Rangers themed gear. Great match – lots of close two counts. Roode won with a Roode Bomb. They shook hands after the match.

6. Bram and Magnus defeated Sam Shaw and Gunner. There was a cool spot where Bram slammed Gunner’s head into the corner and Gunner kept on slamming his own head. Bram got the pin after a chop block to Gunner’s knee and then holding the tights. After the match, Shaw went to beat up the ref, but Gunner stopped him.

7. Gail Kim beat Taryn Terrell to retain the TNA Knockouts Championship.

Austin Aries out next to a big pop. He called out James Storm. Storm said he is not just Sanada but now the Great Sanada and he will be the best to ever come out of Japan. Aries called Storm a legendary asshole. Aries said they’re marked men and he didn’t come alone to fight he brought company. Tajiri came out to help Aries clear the ring.

8. Rhino beat Rockstar Spud (with EC3) . Rhino basically squashed Spud. 

9. Lashley defeated Samoa Joe in a champion vs. champion match. 

10. Mr. Anderson defeated Magnus. 

11. MVP over Low Ki. Very slow match with a lot of back an forth and a lot of chops. MVP mocked Low Ki, who had a cool counter where he jumped over MVP an kicked him in the back. MVP to the outside as Low Ki hit a cool cross body off the top rope. MVP got the win with a playas boot.

12. Matt and Jeff Hardy defeated The Wolves and Team 3D in a three-way tables match. 

John Bman
John Bman
Founder and Owner of Tireball Sports.


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