WWE SmackDown Results for Aug. 22, 2014

Welcome to Tireball Sports’ coverage of WWE SmackDown for Friday Aug. 22, 2014!

Friday’s episode of SmackDown was taped in Phoenix. AZ.

Seth Rollins beat Jack Swagger via count out. Rollins hit the Curb Stomp on the ring apron, which led to the count out. Bo Dallas then again insulted Jack Swagger as he was being attended to by medics.

Rusev (w/Lana) defeated Sin Cara. After the match Mark Henry came out. Lana led Rusev to the back…

Rob Van Dam cut a promo and spoke about his match but was then attacked by Randy Orton.

Randy Orton fought Rob Van Dam to a no-contest. Orton beat up RVD outside the ring before beating him with a chair inside it.

Natalya beat Paige in a non-title match. A.J. Lee came out and took the belt to the top of the ramp. Paige got it back and ran back to the ring. Natalya caught Paige in the Sharpshooter for the win as AJ taunted.

Goldust and Stardust defeated Luke Harper and Erick Rowan.

Roman Reigns beat The Miz in about a minute. Orton attempted to distract Reigns but it failed. Reigns fought off his attack as the show closed.

John Bman
John Bmanhttp://www.tireball.com
Founder and Owner of Tireball Sports.


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