Stephanie McMahon defeats Brie Bella following Nikki heel turn


Stephanie McMahon won her SummerSlam match against Brie Bella with some help from Nikki Bella.

While Stephanie was in control for much of the match Brie turned the tide and appeared headed for a win when Triple-H and Nikki Bella arrived ringside.

HHH promptly pulled the referee out of the ring only to be met with a baseball slide by Brie. While Brie went outside to do the Yes chant over HHH it was Nikki Bella who went in the ring to stop Stephanie from leaving.

Stephanie backed away from Nikki and into Brie. Both Bellas surrounded Stephanie only for Nikki to pull her out of the way and then deliver a blow to Brie.

At that point Stephanie hit the pedigree on Brie and scored the pin as Nikki looked on.

HHH and Stephanie then shared a kiss in the ring.

John Bman
John Bman
Founder and Owner of Tireball Sports.


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