Doctor Who: Peter Capaldi to act as “dangerous and difficult” stranger



Don’t expect Peter Capaldi to play the Twelfth Doctor in the same away as predecessors David Tennant and Matt Smith.

Speaking to Doctor Who magazine, Steven Moffat said:

‘There would be little point in making as radical a change as we’ve made unless you’re going to go quite different with the Doctor.

‘Our vague idea is … the last two Doctors have been brilliant, and have been your ‘good boyfriend’ Doctors. But the Doctor isn’t always like that. There is the sort of Tom Baker, Christopher Eccelston end of the spectrum, where he is mad and dangerous and difficult.

‘In a world with which you are familiar, you can make the Doctor more of a stranger again … I think it was time for the show to flip around a bit.’

Tuesday marked the start of filming for Season 8 of the show which will star Capaldi and Jenna-Louise Coleman as his companion Clara Oswald.

Naturally photos of the duo have already spread across the internet like wild fire. Here is a compilation of photos from one user on twitter:


So no scarfs and no bow-ties. You can see more coverage of Calpaldi’s outfit here on The Buzz.


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