Below are the full results for TNA Impact Wrestling for Thursday January 9, 2014. The show was taped previously in Orlando., FL.
Dixie Carter comes out with a contract saying AJ Styles can have a one night contract to fight Magnus for the right to be called undisputed champion. After some banter AJ accepts.
The BroMans defeated Eric Young and Joseph Park. Gail Kim and Lei’D Tapa attacked ODB so EY left Park alone. BroMans laid him out.
Samoa Joe is attacked by Ethan Carter III. Supposedly a match started at some point but it was ruled a no contest. Rockstar Spud is chased off by Joe.
Kurt Angle defeats Kaz & Daniels in a steel cage open challenge.
Bobby Roode defeats Sting in a cage match by escaping out the door. EC3 and Rockstar Spud with the assist.
Magnus defetas AJ Styles to become the undisputed TNA Champion. Just about everyone on TNA’s roster helped Magnus to include BroMans, EC3, Rockstar Spud, Kaz & Daniels, Bobby Roode and Dixie. The match allegedly has four referees. Roode lays out AJ allowing the pin, Sting is unable to save the day.
Dixie celebrated. AJ later thanked the fans and shook hands ringside.