WWE Monday Night RAW LIVE UPDATES & RESULTS for September 9, 2013


Tonight’s edition of WWE Monday Night RAW will air LIVE from Toronto.

This is the last episode of RAW before the Sunday’s Night of Champions Pay-Per-View. The show will be highlighted by an appearance from former WWE and World Heavyweight Champion Edge and a match that sees Goldust versus Randy Orton.

We can also expect more of Paul Heyman, Curtis Axel and CM Punk as well as a continuation of the Alberto Del Rio and RVD.

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11:09 pm – Bryan stands in the ring with the WWE belt as the crowd chants YES! YES! YES! and RAW is OVER! (and NO SUMMER CAMP TO FOLLOW!!)

11:06 pm – Big Show in the ring shaking his head. Orton grabs him and tells him to do it. Big Show tells him hes not knocking anyone out. Orton picks up Bryan and Big Show clinches his fist… Big Show says hes not doing it. Big Show tells Orton to leave him alone. Orton tells Big Show hes the face of the WWE and tells him to knock Bryan down. BRYAN WITH A KNEE TO ORTONS FACE! YES! YES! YES! chants. Big Show walks away smiling.

11:03 pm – Orton points at Big Show… He wants to do the RKO but Bryan did not make it easy falling around the ring. RKO to Bryan. Orton stands over Bryan with the belt. HHH comes out and tells Big Show to be a professional and that he does not care about his morals and orders Big Show to knock out Bryan. Big Show goes towards the ring.

11:02 pm – Here comes Randy Orton running then walking. Bryan meets him with a dive though the rings. The Shield now pummeling Bryan. Big Show walking towards The Shield with a chair. He stops and drops the chair. The Sheild throws Bryan back in the ring. Orton in the ring with the belt.

11:01 pm – Bryan knocked outside the ring. Roman Reigns goes for the sphere.. misses. Rollins jumps and misses …. Ambrose attacks Bryan outside the ring.  Big show standing next to the action but can not do anything. Ambrose rolls him back in the ring for a pin but Bryan kicks out. Ambrose surprised by a small package…. WINNER: DANIEL BRYAN VIA PIN

10:59 pm – Ambrose punching Bryan in the head, and five more to his head. Ambrose sets Bryan up top the rope and slaps him. Bryan sneaks up and crotches Ambrose on the ropes. kicks by Bryan and then a drop kick… Bryan with a suplex off the top. pin, 1, 2, kickout by Amrbose

10:56 pm – Big Show leading a YES! chant…. Bryan trying to fight back. he hits a pair of drop kicks on Ambrose in the corner…. going for a pin but a kickout by Ambrose. Kicks by Bryan to Ambrose…. Ambrose catches his leg and Bryan reverses it for a small package… kickout by Ambrose…. Byran gets a submission locked in but Ambrose reacehs the ropes

10:51 pm – Daniel Bryan to the top rope. Rollins gets on the apron. Ambrose knocks Bryan off the apron.

10:46 pm – The Shield comes out. Big Show out as well. And finally Daniel Bryan… Its Dean Ambrose versus Daniel Bryan.

10:39 pm – Big Show is shown. Stephanie tells Big Show he cant touch The Shield and that she will hang a chair for him outside. She says if he touches The Shield he will be terminated. Big show destroys a CRT Tv backstange. Really… CRT Tvs?

10:38 pm – Bell rings as Ryback is DQ’d for ramming RVD into the ring post…. Ryback continues his bully angle destroying RVD outside the ring.  He then hits the Shellshock inside the ring.

10:33 pm – Here comes Ryback

10:27 pm – Ricardo Rodriguez out to introduce RVD.

10:25 pm – Goldust shown crying in the back. Stephanie tells him he must be disappointed and says Cody and his wife are and that they dont have a job. She tells him its all his fault and that he let everyone down. She asks how does it feel to be a loser “just like your brother” and then tells him to join him in the unemployment line. She then tells him to tell his dad she said hi. Goldust walks away.

10:17 pm – Orton misses the RKO, Cross Rhodes and a kickout…. Orton rolls up Goldust. RKO by Orton. Match over WINNER: Randy Orton (DUH, Orton would also be Dusty if WWE wants to do that next week)

10:15 pm – Goldust with a bulldog that sent us back to the mid-90s

10:12 pm – Match goes outside. and is back in the ring but Orton is in control

10:07 pm – Randy Orton rolls out of the ring as Goldust goes for shattered dreams and commercial time.

10:05 pm – Goldust has come out and actually is doing a good job of getting the better of Orton early on.

10:00 pm – Orton is out first.

Even with all this screw job talk. Orton did get a clean pin on Rhodes last week.

9:54 pm – Goldust says he means business and is interrupted by HHH. He says Goldust must be nervous and talks about Goldust letting down Cody Rhodes. The match is next.

9:52 pm – Fandango’s music hits and hes dancing with Summer Rae. Sandow takes advantage and surprises The Miz for the win. The Miz is steamed.WINNER: Damien Sandow

9:47 pm – The Miz versus Damien Sandow

9:41 pm – Winner: Santino Marella after Cesaro went for an upppercut and was rolled up and pinned. Coulter slams the mat in anger.

9:36 pm – Zeb Coulter and Anthony Cesaro…. Santino Marella interrupts the “we the people” chant. Santino looks like his clothes are too big for him or maybe hes simply lost some msucle.

9:30 pm – Alberto Del Rio wins with armbar.

9:26 pm – R-Truth versus Alberto Del Rio

9:17 pm – Naomi, Brie Bella and Natalya versus Layla, Alicia Fox,…. winners: Natalya, Brie Bella and Naomi via submission

9:08 pm – Heyman hits the road running as Axel takes a shot with a kendo stick as does the “doctor” Heyman brought to the ring. The “doctor” takes more shots with the stick. CM Punk yells Heymans name and drills the guy again. CM Punks music hits.

9:07 pm – Doctor rules Heyman fine. Heyman continues to act injured. Here comes CM Punk… we about to see the old Brady Bunch routine

9:03 pm – Heyman says he is taking himself out of the PPV match against CM Punk… He tells them he will be back when he can. Brad Maddox comes out and reminds him that the WWE has a doctor on their payroll and will evaluate Heyman.  Maddox says if Heyman is truly injured he will need to be evaluated by the WWE doctor. Heyman is upset. They get a chair.

8:59 pm – Heyman out with Curtis Axel. Heyman is on crutches

8:54 pm – Ziggler fighting back… Wyatt family getting antsy outside. Bray Wyatt catches Ziggler who is distracted. Wyatt hits the finisher. WINNER: Bray Wyatt in what was a disappointing match.

8:49 pm – Dolph Ziggler versus Bray Wyatt. The numbers game will be too much for Ziggler and the Wyatt family keeps interfering.

8:40 pm – Booker T talking to Big Show. He tells Big Show to not let his pride let him make a mistake he cant take back tonight. Big Show says its all he has left…. Bray Wyatt next

8:36 pm – Heyman taken to trainers room for his knee. Apparently he slipped on water in the hallways.

Goldust versus Orton later

8:29 pm – Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise and Heyman drags Axel out of the ring.

8:27 pm – Curtis Axel versus Kofi Kingston… Axel gets DQ’d for not breaking a five count in the corner…. Heyman stops him and tells him this cant happen on Sunday.

8:23 pm – Edge confronts HHH in the back. The Shield stands around HHH. He says Edge will never be cleared to wrestle and tells Edge that Toronto is his town. He tells Edge to get out of his town and off his show.

8:18 pm – The Shield drags Christian out from the back. Edge runs to him and asks for help.

8:15 pm – HHH tells Edge he was right that Edge would be a failure. HHH tells Edge that we can pretend he was a legend but he says the Rated R Superstar was a failure. He says Brian will fight Dean Ambrose one on one. Edge is giving Byran the Big Show in his corner to combat The Shield. He tells the crowd he is not a dictator. The crowd responds with ‘Asshole’… Edge tells HHH he earned his HOF ring.

8:13 pm – HHH tells Edge to say it to his face. He tells HHH that he doesnt think HHH knows a damn about talent and that he doubted him. He doubted Jericho. He says he doubted Cena. HHH says its great to see Edge and he gives a promo for Edge’s show after Shackdown.

8:11 pm – Orton says its a shame that only Canada gives a crap about Edge. Edge says HHH sucks at picking out talent. Here comes HHH.

8:10 pm – Edge is certainly back with the mic skills. He asks Bryan if he can beat Randy Orton. Bryan responds with a YES! …. Randy Orton’s music hits and out comes the champ.

8:08 pm – Edge tells Bryan that hes been though alot, Bryan says it helps with there is so many people chanting your name. He talks about HHH’s recent comments. Bryan says he gets sanctification from the struggle of trying to beat Orton. He says he will beat Orton and regain the title.

8:05 pm – Edge talks about his relationship with Orton and says that the guy has nothing interesting to say… its like watching paint dry.He will talk with Daniel Bryan… and here comes the #1 contender. YES! YES! YES!

8:02 pm – The Show kicks off with Edge out, He seems a little off sync with the fireworks and what not but the crowd goes wild. He has the microphone and the set looks awfully familiar

John Bman
John Bmanhttp://www.tireball.com
Founder and Owner of Tireball Sports.


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