WWE Raw LIVE UPDATES and RESULTS for August 26, 2013 episode


AUGUST 26 – Welcome to Tireball Sports’ coverage of the August 26, 2013 episode of WWE Raw.

Tonight’s show should be action packed as we are now halfway to Night of Champions. Airing live from Phoenix, Arizona tonight’s show should further the Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan storyline as well as others.

CM Punk will face off against Curtis Axel and it is safe to assume that the Shield, Mark Henry and RVD will all be prominently featured.

Results for WWE Raw August 26, 2013

11:05 pm – Orton goes up on the ramp and stands with HHH. HHH dares them to laugh. He then tells everyone to get out of the way of him and Orton. They leave as Orton smiles towards Bryan in the ring. RAW ends with The Shield standing over Bryan.

11:04 pm – Orton is in the ring. The shield holds up Bryan and Orton hits a RKO. Big Show stares at HHH.

11:02 pm – HHH music hits. He comes out from the back and stares at Dolph and Big Show. Neither appear happy. HHH signals for the beating to continue. The Shield does their triple power bomb. HHH stares at Dolph and Big Show who both look mad.

Randy Orton’s music hits.

11:01 pm – Bryan beats Rollins and Dean Ambrose immediate comes in the ring and is Dq’d when Reings comes in. He gets DQ’d when Amborse attacks Bryan. Now it is three on one.

10:57 pm – Rollins has the upper hand but Bryan begins to turn the tide…

10:48 pm – Daniel Byran ready to face The Shield. Big Show and Dolph Ziggler asked about their matches last week. Neither speak. The Miz begins to speak but stops. Bryan facing Seth Rollins first.

10:38 pm – Wyatt Family promo. Announcers quickly go back to talking about HHH, Orton and Bryan from earlier.

10:31 pm – Titus O’Neil defeats Jack Swagger. O’Neil and Young dance.

10:25 pm – Titus O’Neil comes out with Darren Young. He will face Jack Swagger who comes out with Cesaro and Coulter.

10:23 pm – HHH and Brad Maddox are looking at the car. Maddox tells him everyone is laughing about it. He says the car is his and the belt is his and that this is personal. HHH says Maddox is to get everyone out to watch what happens to Daniel Bryan tonight. He says anyone who gets involved will get fired by him.

10:16 pm – Daniel Byran on the titantron. He is talking about the new Cadillac that Orton was given. He has spray painted the word Yes all over the car. Fans begin chanting Yes!

10:15 pm – Orton pokes Christian in the eye and hits a RKO. WINNER: Randy Orton via pinfall

10:13 pm – Orton hits Christian with a DDT from between the ropes. He begins stalking around the ring. He is ready to give a RKO… Christian pushes Orton away. He wants to go for the spear… Orton moves out the way, but Christan then hits the spear.

10:10 pm – the match continues to go back and forth. Christian and Orton continue to put on a good showing

9:53 pm – Christian out to fight Randy Orton

9:52 pm – Interview with Heyman. He says he feels like a man and a few other warnings for Punk

9:50 pm – Ryback with another bully segment

9:41 pm – Del Rio in control. Richard gets on the announcers table and starts a Rob Van Damn chant. RVD sneaks up and gets a pin

wi9:37 pm – cats out of the bag for this one. Michael Cole says Brad Maddox says if RVD wins this match he will get a title shot at the Night of Champions PPV.

9:32 pm – Richard Rodriguez out with RVD. He reveals a RVD shirt as Alberto Del Rio comes out for a match.

9:17 pm – JoJo out to be guest announcer for match between Brie Bella and Natalya Winner: Brie Bella

Now AJ Lee is out with a microphone. She says she watched Total Divas and gives show highlights and a promo for it. She then screams. AJ says she sees a bunch of cheap interchangeable and useless women in the ring. She says they had to be on reality tv because they weren’t talented enough to be champion.

9:11 pm – Axel gloating and Heyman shaking his head at what they have done. Heyman walks to the back as Axel continues to smile for the camera.

9:08 pm – Punk kicks Axel in the head and sweeps out Heyman’s legs. Axel delivers a chair shot to Punk. Axel gives Heyman a kendo stick. Heyman rubs his hands together and hits Punk as Punk calls him a SOB. Axel puts Punk between the ropes and Heyman takes swings at his chest.

9:06 pm – Heyman hands Axel some handcuffs. Axel handcuffs Punk’s hands together. Axel grabs Punk’s head and Heyman does some slapping to Punk’s face.

9:04 pm – Heyman takes off again and security brings it back to the ring. Punk grabs him by the face and mouths something to him. Punk throws him in the ring and grabs him. Axel with a low blow to Punk.

9:02 pm – CM Punk hits the GTS for the win. Heyman gets bug eyed and tries to retreat. Two officials stop him.

8:53 pm – CM Punk sees Heyman and runs after him. Axel begins to pummel Punk but both make it back in the ring before a ten count.

8:50 pm – CM Punk is out for his match against Curtis Axel. If CM Punk wins Paul Heyman will be forced into the ring with him after the match. 81% of the people voted for that stipulation.

8:42 pm – Christian begins to speak about how people can not speak with how things are being run. Orton cuts him off saying he was a winner at Summerslam and Christian is a loser. Orton says he will beat Christian tonight with an RKO. Christian says Orton is just HHH’s newest tool.

8:34 pm – Fandango leaves. Miz pins Sandow. Fandango and Miz stare at each other. Fandango gets on the microphone and says “it’s Fandango” and dances.

8:32 pm – The match has started. Rhodes and Miz vs. Sandow and Fandango

8:27 pm – The Miz comes out with Rosa Mendez with Fandangos music and dances. Cody Rhodes wins via pinfall and goes for Cross Rhodes. Damien comes and all four are fighting. Brad Maddox says they will compete in a tag team match now.

8:24 pm – Cody Rhodes fighting against Fandango with Damien rign side

8:17 pm – HHH says Bryan will fight Rowlings one on one then Ambrose. If he beats Amborse he gets to right Reigns. HHH says this is a gift to Bryan and that he believes in him and says it is what is best for business. HHH’s music hits.

Wonder when the Escalade will get smashed?

8:11 pm – Orton goes to look at the car and Daniel Bryan’s musci hits. He looks at the car and starts a Yes! Yes! Yes! chant. He approaches the car and calls it a sweet ride. He says its nicer then his Honda Fit

8:10 pm – HHH says he got Orton a new Cadillac Escalade. Out rolls the car. Orton smiles and thanks HHH for the gift.

8:07 pm – HHH introduces Randy Orton and out comes the champion.

8:00 pm – RAW is on the air and The Shield is out surrounding the ring. HHH’s music hits and out he comes

John Bman
John Bmanhttp://www.tireball.com
Founder and Owner of Tireball Sports.


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