WWE SmackDown Results for Oct. 10, 2014 *Spoilers*

Below are the results for WWE SmackDown for October 10, 2014.

Stephanie McMahon kicks off the SmackDown 15th anniversary show. She talks about SmackDown’s history but is interrupted by John Laurinaitis. Laurinaitis says he created the best era in the history of SmackDown – People Power. Teddy Long interrupts and has words with Laurinaitis. They go back and forth on who can make the biggest tag team match. Teddy calls for a 15 man match – 7 Superstars and a mini gator vs. 7 Superstars and a mini bull. It will be Team Teddy vs. Team Johnny tonight. The winner will be the greatest General Manager of all-time.

Kane came out and defeated Adam Rose. He goes after the bunny who gets away. kane then goes after the Rosebuds.

AJ Lee defeated Alicia Fox.

Seth Rollins (with Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury) defeated Kofi Kingston

Rusev defeats Dolph Zigger. After the match Lana cuts a promo on the Rock and Rusev challenges Big Show to a match on RAW.

Backstage segment with Rock teasing a match with HHH again.

Booker T comes out for the main event. Team Teddy is Mark Henry, Los Matadores, Sheamus, The Usos, Jack Swagger and El Torito. Team Johnny is Heath Slater, Titus O’Neil, Goldust, Stardust, Bo Dallas, Damien Sandow, The Miz and Hornswoggle. Slater and Sandow got big chants during the match. The Usos score the win for Teddy’s team.

MizTV with John Cena and Dean Ambrose. Finally they attack Miz but Cena hits Ambrose with n AA to close it out.

John Bman
John Bmanhttp://www.tireball.com
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