Rodriguez, Cruz, Biogenesis suspensions to come by Monday


Monday appears to be the deadline for Alex Rodriguez and 13 others to accept suspensions for their ties to the Biogenesis of America according to the National Post.

Rodriguez, could be facing a lifetime ban if he does not settle with the MLB. Nelson Cruz of the Texas Rangers, if he accepts his suspension could be back by October for the playoffs. Detroit shortstop Jhonny Peralta, and San Diego Everth Cabrera could also be handed down 50 game suspensions.

Milwaukee Brewers outfielder Ryan Braun was suspended in July for the rest of the season without pay.

Major League Baseball is prepared to issue two simultaneous announcements no later than Monday, a person familiar with the process told The Associated Press on Thursday.

There are two list, one would list players who accept suspensions; the other would name those disciplined without deals, but who could challenge penalties before an arbitrator.

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