Patriots’ Gronkowski sues t-shirt company


Rob Gronkowski and his brothers Dan and Chris ahve filed a trademark infringement lawsuit against Sully’s Tees for selling unauthorized “Gronk” t-shirts.

As the Boston Herald reports:gronked

Gronk Nation received federal trademark designations in December for “Gronk Nation,” “Gronk” and “Get Gronk’d” for endorsement purposes. While an application to trademark “Gronk” for hats, shirts and wristbands is pending, the Gronkowskis still have protection under Massachusetts law, according to their Boston ­attorney.

“Everyone in Massachusetts is protected from third-party use of their name or likeness for commercial gain without their permission,” attorney Timothy Perry said. “We think it’s a pretty clear case.”

Seems like Sully’s is about to get “Gronked.”

Considering the recent decisions about trademarks in regards to Jonny “Football” Manziel and Tim Tebow you have to wonder why people even try anymore.

John Bman
John Bman
Founder and Owner of Tireball Sports.

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