LeBron James to pitch Obamacare, PSA to air


President Barack Obama has enlisted the help of Miami Heat superstar LeBron James as the March 31 deadline for the Affordable Care Act approaches.

LeBron will appear in a third second ad which will be blasted across multiple networks during the NCAA’s March Madness programming.

“It’s almost like car insurance,” James said, via Bleacher Report. “You want to put yourself in a position where—you hope you never get into an accident—but if you do, you want to be secure. And I think a lot of young adults and African-Americans as well are afraid because they are not even educated about it. And hopefully my voice, and hopefully the other people who’ve done it, can get them more knowledgeable about it.”

And for those who are critical of Obamacare?

“I mean, I can’t worry about that,” James said. “Especially who I am. I mean, I know that everything that I do is going to be bigger than what it should be or blown out of proportion. But what I believe in and the people that I support is what it’s all about. So I can sleep comfortably at night.”

John Bman
John Bmanhttp://www.tireball.com
Founder and Owner of Tireball Sports.

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