Jack Morris says he is “tired of getting scrutinized”

Jack Morris
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For 15 year Jack Morris was on baseball’s Hall of Fame ballot and for 15 years he failed to earn enshrinement into Cooperstown.

And that has the former major league pitcher feeling one thing. Relief.

“I’m relieved,” Morris told Pioneer Press. “I’m glad. I’m tired of getting scrutinized by writers.”

Morris won 254 major league games and had a strong post season record but Hall of Fame voters simply felt it was not enough and now Morris says election will never happen.

“Fifteen years ought to be long enough for anybody, you know?” Morris said. “If it’s not going to happen in 15 years, it’s not going to happen.”

The expansion-era veterans committee will meet in December of 2016 at which time they will consider Morris’ hall credentials.

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John Bman
John Bmanhttp://www.tireball.com
Founder and Owner of Tireball Sports.

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