Seinfeld reuniting for Super Bowl commercial?

Ali Philippides

There were sightings of Jerry Seinfeld and George Costanza outside and in Monks Restaurant this week.

The belief is that the two are getting back together for a Super Bowl commercial, adding to the interest is that co-creator of Seinfeld Larry David was also spotted.

Of course crew guys were not about to spill the beans as TMZ reports:

But another crew guy said the shoot was for an episode of Jerry’s webshow “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” — but that guy got kinda hinky when we pressed him about the Super Bowl.  If we had to bet, our money is on Super Bowl.

Considering that Jerry and George talked about nothing on Seinfeld one can only imagine the endless possibilities for a Super Bowl commercial.

John Bman
John Bman
Founder and Owner of Tireball Sports.

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