Robert Griffin confirms he will not play rest of season


Robert Griffin III will not play Sunday against the Atlanta Falcons, nor will he play the the other two games left on the teams schedule.

“I’m sure everybody knows by know that coach decided to shut me down for the rest of the season,” Griffin said. “I expressed my desire to play. At the end of the day, coach’s decision is what we go with. That’s the way it’s always been. It’s my job to help Kirk win.”

It was announced on Wednesday afternoon that the Washington Redskins had decided to start Kirk Cousin’s in lieu of Griffin, a move that many where expecting to lead to the end of Mike Shanahan’s  coaching job in Washington. Instead, according to a team source,  team owner Dan Snyder said he would not  intervene with Shanahan’s decision to make a switch at quarterback.

Whether he coaches or is fired before next season Shanahan is owed $7 million in 2014.

Shanahan said during a press conference on Monday that he flat out was considering benching the quarterback for his own safety. Griffin being benched comes after he had 24 sacks in the past five games.

‘We’ll rise out of this. I believe that, and I hope everybody else does, too. You have to keep it rolling. I’ll make sure I’m there for Kirk, that I’m there for this team in any way I can.” Griffin said.


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