Colin Kaepernick will not apologize for wearing Dolphins hat


Colin Kaepernick will not for wearing Miami Dolphins hat. Kaepernick was spotted on Thursday wearing a Dolphins hat which naturally confused everyone since he is the quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers.

Kaepernick does not care for those who criticized his head wear and responded on instagram.

“I’m goin wear what I want regardless of what you think, all you need to worry about is the fact that I grind for my teammates and the 49ers!! I plan on doin this until they won’t let me in the building! #ridiculous #y’allmustbebored” wrote the 49ers quarterback.

Considering all the hats that Kaepernick must have the Miami Dolphins one just is not cutting it for us here at Tireball Sports. Should have gone with the San Francisco Giants look.

John Bman
John Bman
Founder and Owner of Tireball Sports.

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