In the world of professional sports the NFL is well behind MLB when it comes to drug testing. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell is hoping to change that.
“I believe that HGH testing is going to happen prior to the 2013 NFL season. It’s the right thing to do for the players,” Goodell told reporters during his annual state of the league news conference.
Goodell continued saying it was the right ting to do and good for the game.
“Off the field, it’s very important for us to maintain our integrity and our brand. We expect the people that are involved in our game, from the commissioner to players to the coaches to make sure they uphold those standards. I’m proud of our players. I’m proud of what they do, but we always have to make sure that we’re reflecting positively on the shield. When there are violations, that impacts the integrity of the game, and that is something the Commissioner has had authority on, we’re going to always uphold the standards of the NFL because the fans deserve that and I believe the players deserve that. That’s the Commissioner’s role.”
While the NFLPA agreed to further testing in the latest collective bargaining deal, agreed to in 2011, they currently have concerns over how the appeal process will work in regards to HGH testing.